Jesus wants us to be his disciples (Matt. 4:11-25)
Is there a difference between a regular Christian and a Disciple of Christ? We believe there's a big difference.
Few churches teach Christians how to become mature Disciples of Christ. The difference between Spectator Christianity vs Disciples of Christ can be clarified by some questions:
Most Christians find themselves somewhere between 1 and 5 on the scale of commitment to Jesus and to His Church.
Discipleship Essentials:
(1Pet. 2:2, Heb. 5:13-14, 1John 2:12-14)
The Baby Stage:
Head Knowledge: absorbing information, memorizing scripture, reading your Bible daily
Checking what others are doing and asking questions
Learn about the foundations of the faith
The teacher carries the apprentice: I do, you watch, we talk
The Child Stage:
Heart Passion: adding passion to what you know in your head.
Growing and developing by learning, imitating, and reflecting
Learn about various doctrines of the faith
The teacher guides and the apprentice follows: I do, you help, we talk
The Young Stage:
Hands On: you begin to disciple new believers by transferring what you know and feel
Knowing how to help and discerning the needs of others
Learn about how to apply the foundations of the faith to your life.
The teacher stands behind the apprentice as he/she does things: you do, I help, we talk
The Parenting Stage:
Hang as Peers: the disciple matures and lives with other peer disciples makers
Showing other new believers how to be disciples for Christ and how to make disciples for Christ.
Learn how to explain the foundations and basic doctrines of the faith.
The teacher and the apprentice become peers: you do, I watch, we talk
Our goal is to bring as many believers as we can to the parenting stage. We do not need a mega-church to do that, just a Christ centered small group of passionate followers of Christ.
Jesus wants us to be his disciples (Matt. 4:11-25)
Is there a difference between a regular Christian and a Disciple of Christ? We believe there's a big difference.
Few churches teach Christians how to become mature Disciples of Christ. The difference between Spectator Christianity vs Disciples of Christ can be clarified by some questions:
- Am I an admirer of Christ or a true follower of Christ?
- Am I impressed by Christ or am I devoted to Christ?
- Do I applaud Christ or do I surrender to Christ?
- Is it about me and my needs, or is it about what I can do for Christ?
- Am I a spectator or a participator?
- Am I like "Facebook" Friends w Christ or a personal friend of Christ?
- Am I in the crowd or among the Core of disciples of Christ
- Am I like the rich young ruler (Matt. 19:16-22) or like Nicodemus (John 3:1-21)?
Most Christians find themselves somewhere between 1 and 5 on the scale of commitment to Jesus and to His Church.
- The Community: Those living around churches who might visit once a year, like on Christmas eve.
- The Crowd: Those who attend once a month, but are not committed to the church, or to any church.
- The Congregation: Those who are committed to Christ, have become members of his church family, and attend services regularly.
- The Committed: Those members who become Apprentice Disciples of Christ through regular training, practice, and serving.
- The Core Disciples: Those faithful church members who live out the Great Commission: Disciples Making Disciples
Discipleship Essentials:
- A disciple is one who is centered on Christ and one who is sent by Christ.
- A disciple is an apprentice who learns both in theory and in practice.
- Disciples must be disciples to make disciples.
(1Pet. 2:2, Heb. 5:13-14, 1John 2:12-14)
The Baby Stage:
Head Knowledge: absorbing information, memorizing scripture, reading your Bible daily
Checking what others are doing and asking questions
Learn about the foundations of the faith
The teacher carries the apprentice: I do, you watch, we talk
The Child Stage:
Heart Passion: adding passion to what you know in your head.
Growing and developing by learning, imitating, and reflecting
Learn about various doctrines of the faith
The teacher guides and the apprentice follows: I do, you help, we talk
The Young Stage:
Hands On: you begin to disciple new believers by transferring what you know and feel
Knowing how to help and discerning the needs of others
Learn about how to apply the foundations of the faith to your life.
The teacher stands behind the apprentice as he/she does things: you do, I help, we talk
The Parenting Stage:
Hang as Peers: the disciple matures and lives with other peer disciples makers
Showing other new believers how to be disciples for Christ and how to make disciples for Christ.
Learn how to explain the foundations and basic doctrines of the faith.
The teacher and the apprentice become peers: you do, I watch, we talk
Our goal is to bring as many believers as we can to the parenting stage. We do not need a mega-church to do that, just a Christ centered small group of passionate followers of Christ.