Our Main Mission is The Great Commission
You have only one life, it will soon be pass, only what's done for Christ will last. Come follow me, Jesus said, and I will make you fishers of men (Mark 1:17)
To be the hands and feet of Jesus to the Lost.
To live, preach, or share the Gospel of the Kingdom of God
To disciple new believers who want to be like Jesus
Each Believer Has His/Her Preferred Style That Fits His/Her Personality.
1. A CONFRONTATIONAL STYLE: Acts 2:14 Peter commanded unbelievers to repent and be baptized on Pentecost.
2. AN INTELLECTUAL STYLE: Acts 17:16 Paul engaged in an intellectual style with the philosophers in Athens.
3. A TESTIMONIAL STYLE: John 9:33 Jesus heals a man and sends him to tell strangers and critics about his miracle.
4. A RELATIONAL STYLE: Mark 5:18 Jesus delivers a man from demons and sent him back to his own village to tell his family.
5. AN INVITATIONAL STYLE: John 4:28 Jesus heals the woman at the well and tells her to go and invite others to hear him speak.
6. A SERVICE STYLE: Acts 9:36 Dorcas served the poor by making garments.
We believe small group ministry is a Biblical Platform for the Great Commission and should be a vital part of any church model.
The Bible teaches the principle of “small groups,” some call “cells.” In Exodus 18 Moses formed small groups of ten to govern Israel more effectively down to the grass roots level. Also, in Luke 6:14 we read that Jesus selected a small group of twelve as His disciples and trained them to spread the good news. And throughout the book of Acts the church met in the Temple courts, and from house to house (Acts 5:42).
These small groups were, focused, purpose driven, and intentional. This means they promoted things like individual participation, multiplication, training, personal ministry, fellowship, and more. Likewise, our group is also purpose driven and intentional. Small groups are also ideal to study the spiritual gifts. (Ephesians 4:12, Romans 16:5).
Studies Reveal Five MAIN Styles of Church:
1. THE SOUL WINNING CHURCH: These churches/groups are lead by evangelists who emphasize witnessing, evangelism, salvation, decisions for Christ, baptism, visitations, altar calls, and crusades.
2. THE EXPERIENCING GOD CHURCH: They use worship-leaders who focus mostly on praise, prayer, worship, music, spiritual gifts, spirit, power, and revival.
3. THE FAMILY REUNION CHURCH: The pastor is usually a chaplain who emphasizes love, fellowship, caring, relationships, potlucks, small groups, and fun.
4. THE CLASSROOM CHURCH: The pastor is an instructor who focuses on expository preaching, Bible study, Greek and Hebrew, doctrine, knowledge, truth, and discipleship.
5. THE SOCIAL SCIENCE CHURCH: They use activists and reformers who focus on serving, sharing, ministering, take a stand on social issues, and do something in the core.
We believe healthy New Testament churches, house churches, or small group ministries should seek to maintain a balance between all five models. More importantly, according to the NT model of ministry, the leaders equip and show by example, the member ministers, all are called to become Christlike in character, and all are commanded to go an take the gospel to the lost. The key word for us is “balance.” We are a New Testament style Bible Study that seeks to maintain a balanced approach through small group ministry.
1. Teaching
2. Fellowship
3. Worship
4. Evangelism
1) to love the Lord with all their heart
2) to love their neighbor as they love themselves
3) to go and make disciples
4) to baptize their disciples
5) and to teach them to obey the teachings of Jesus.
What do we mean by small groups or cells?
Cells in a church are similar to cells in biology, they mutate, multiply, and repair. A cell has life, and multiplies through a process called mitosis (mature members form new cells). The church is a living organism like a plant that grows. The word “church,” in its most basic form, simply means the people of God. Wherever we meet, that is church. When the people of God meet in small groups that are designed to multiply we call it a “church with cells.” Cells are not clicks, they are open and accepting to all who have a desire for God, and who seek to multiply.
How do we structure small groups to be efficient?
The Bible has no explicit or uniform model, or formula, on how to structure small groups. Therefore, it is up to us and the Holy Spirit to develop a workable model that is both practical and Biblical. Models can change, but Biblical principles never change.
There are many church models in the world today. No single church can possibly reach everyone. It takes all kinds of churches to reach all kinds of people. That is why we are accepting of all alternate methods that produce healthy Disciples for Christ.
One model that is making a big impact is called the “Groups of Twelve Cell Church Model” (The G-12 model). The foundation of this model is Jesus and His twelve disciples. Just as Jesus chose 12 disciples, so the small-group leader seeks to find and train 12 disciples. The G-12 model has brought new life to the Universal Church. We embrace aspects of the G-12 Model and try to limit our groups to around 12, or multiply.
What drives us? Every group of believers or church has its set of interests. What matters most to us?
1) to build moral
2) to reduce frustration
3) to allow concentration
4) to attract cooperation
5) to promote evaluation.
We are a semi-seeker sensitive group, but not a seeker driven group. We are sensitive to the needs and hurts of unbelievers, but we don’t always ask, “what do the unbelievers think or want?” We realize that evangelism is one of several main purposes God has for the Church, not the sole purpose.
In churches with cells the life of the church is mainly in the small groups that meet in homes, offices, or any place away from the church building. Our aim is to be a dynamic growing cell like one of these. The cells are not just another program, the cell network is the foundation of the church. The cells are everything, and no program can compete with the cells. Everything is done through the cells. The church becomes a collection of cells that celebrate together on a Sunday. Everybody is connected to a cell and a cell-shepherd/host. People don’t join the church, they join a small group where they can fit in and get prayed over regularly. On weekends this network of small groups come together for a time of corporate celebration and teaching.
1) They learn they are members of one another (Rom. 12:5).
2) They learn to be devoted to one another (Rom. 12:10).
3) They learn to honor one another (Rom. 12:10).
4) They learn to be of the same mind with one another (Rom. 15:5).
5) They learn to accept one another (Rom. 15:7).
6) They learn to admonish one another (Rom. 15:14).
7) They learn to greet one another (Rom. 16:3-6).
8) They learn to serve one another (Gal. 5:13).
9) They learn to bear one another’s burdens (Gal. 6:2).
10) They learn to bear with one another (Eph. 4:2).
11) They learn to submit to one another (Eph. 5:21).
12) They learn to encourage one another (1 Thes. 5:11).
Small groups function like a large “fishing-net” that spans a city to catch the harvest of new believers. It is by far the single most effective way to prevent new converts from leaving through the “backdoor” of a church, as in backsliding. In the cell-church everybody shares the load. Every new convert receives a follow-up call within 72 hrs and a personal visit within a week. A new convert also receives an invitation from a local cell-leader to join a cell in his or her neighborhood. After a month in a cell, the new believer is encouraged to enroll for training.
1. Expositional Preaching - Expositional preaching (otherwise known as expository preaching) is the investigation of a particular passage of Scripture whereby the pastor carefully explains the meaning of a passage and then applies it to the members of the congregation. The point of a sermon, then, takes the point of a particular passage. This is in opposition to the topical preaching showcased in the majority of evangelical churches, where Bible passages are woven together to support a pre-existing point.
2. Biblical Theology - This emphasizes not only how we are taught but also what we are taught. In a sense this should follow naturally from expository preaching because the careful exposition of a passage should lead to sound theology. The majority of poor theology arises from a lack of careful Biblical exposition. Where there is poor exposition, we should expect to eventually find poor theology.
3. Biblical Understanding of the Good News - There needs to be a proper understanding and necessary emphasis on the full gospel. Where many contemporary churches teach that Jesus wants to meet our felt needs and give us a healthier self-image, that is not the gospel. The gospel message is that we are sinners who have rebelled against our Creator. But Jesus took the curse that was rightfully ours and all that remains is for us to have faith in Him so God may credit Christ's righteousness to our account. When we de-emphasize sin and damnation to make the presentation more friendly and less offensive we cease declaring the full gospel.
4. Biblical Understanding of Conversion - When we have a Biblical understanding of the gospel, we must then also have a proper understanding of conversion. Conversion is a new birth from death to life and is a work of God. It is not merely a change of attitude or a change of affection, but a change of nature. Conversion does not need to be an exciting, emotional experience, but does need to produce fruit to be judged a true conversion.
5. Biblical Understanding of Evangelism - The way we evangelize speaks volumes about how we understand conversion (and further, what we understand about the good news). If we believe that people are essentially good and are seeking Jesus, we evangelize using half truths and tend to elicit false conversions. When we present a watered-down gospel, we end up with a watered-down church. We need to be faithful to present the full gospel, the good news with the bad, and leave the results to God.
6. Biblical Understanding of Membership - Church membership is a privilege and a responsibility and needs to be regarded as such. People should only be members if they are dedicated to the church - in attendance, prayer, service and giving. To allow people to become and remain members for sentimental or other unbiblical reasons makes light of membership and may even be dangerous.
7. Biblical Church Discipline - Discipline guides church membership. The church has the responsibility to judge the life and teaching of the membership since they can negatively impact the church's witness of the gospel. Leadership need to be firm in discipline as this is an expression of love to the congregation.
8. Promotion of Church Discipleship And Growth - We need to recover true discipleship - discipleship that causes Christians to live lives of increasing holiness. The emphasis on growth needs to be directed at holiness rather than membership. True discipleship producing strong, committed Christians will present a clear witness to the world.
9. Biblical Understand of Leadership - Until recent times, almost all Protestants agreed that in church government there should be a plurality of elders (which means that there should be an office of elder and not merely one or more pastors in positions of leadership). This is a Biblical and practical model that has fallen out of favor in modern times.
Our Main Mission is The Great Commission
You have only one life, it will soon be pass, only what's done for Christ will last. Come follow me, Jesus said, and I will make you fishers of men (Mark 1:17)
To be the hands and feet of Jesus to the Lost.
To live, preach, or share the Gospel of the Kingdom of God
To disciple new believers who want to be like Jesus
Each Believer Has His/Her Preferred Style That Fits His/Her Personality.
1. A CONFRONTATIONAL STYLE: Acts 2:14 Peter commanded unbelievers to repent and be baptized on Pentecost.
2. AN INTELLECTUAL STYLE: Acts 17:16 Paul engaged in an intellectual style with the philosophers in Athens.
3. A TESTIMONIAL STYLE: John 9:33 Jesus heals a man and sends him to tell strangers and critics about his miracle.
4. A RELATIONAL STYLE: Mark 5:18 Jesus delivers a man from demons and sent him back to his own village to tell his family.
5. AN INVITATIONAL STYLE: John 4:28 Jesus heals the woman at the well and tells her to go and invite others to hear him speak.
6. A SERVICE STYLE: Acts 9:36 Dorcas served the poor by making garments.
We believe small group ministry is a Biblical Platform for the Great Commission and should be a vital part of any church model.
The Bible teaches the principle of “small groups,” some call “cells.” In Exodus 18 Moses formed small groups of ten to govern Israel more effectively down to the grass roots level. Also, in Luke 6:14 we read that Jesus selected a small group of twelve as His disciples and trained them to spread the good news. And throughout the book of Acts the church met in the Temple courts, and from house to house (Acts 5:42).
These small groups were, focused, purpose driven, and intentional. This means they promoted things like individual participation, multiplication, training, personal ministry, fellowship, and more. Likewise, our group is also purpose driven and intentional. Small groups are also ideal to study the spiritual gifts. (Ephesians 4:12, Romans 16:5).
Studies Reveal Five MAIN Styles of Church:
1. THE SOUL WINNING CHURCH: These churches/groups are lead by evangelists who emphasize witnessing, evangelism, salvation, decisions for Christ, baptism, visitations, altar calls, and crusades.
2. THE EXPERIENCING GOD CHURCH: They use worship-leaders who focus mostly on praise, prayer, worship, music, spiritual gifts, spirit, power, and revival.
3. THE FAMILY REUNION CHURCH: The pastor is usually a chaplain who emphasizes love, fellowship, caring, relationships, potlucks, small groups, and fun.
4. THE CLASSROOM CHURCH: The pastor is an instructor who focuses on expository preaching, Bible study, Greek and Hebrew, doctrine, knowledge, truth, and discipleship.
5. THE SOCIAL SCIENCE CHURCH: They use activists and reformers who focus on serving, sharing, ministering, take a stand on social issues, and do something in the core.
We believe healthy New Testament churches, house churches, or small group ministries should seek to maintain a balance between all five models. More importantly, according to the NT model of ministry, the leaders equip and show by example, the member ministers, all are called to become Christlike in character, and all are commanded to go an take the gospel to the lost. The key word for us is “balance.” We are a New Testament style Bible Study that seeks to maintain a balanced approach through small group ministry.
1. Teaching
2. Fellowship
3. Worship
4. Evangelism
1) to love the Lord with all their heart
2) to love their neighbor as they love themselves
3) to go and make disciples
4) to baptize their disciples
5) and to teach them to obey the teachings of Jesus.
What do we mean by small groups or cells?
Cells in a church are similar to cells in biology, they mutate, multiply, and repair. A cell has life, and multiplies through a process called mitosis (mature members form new cells). The church is a living organism like a plant that grows. The word “church,” in its most basic form, simply means the people of God. Wherever we meet, that is church. When the people of God meet in small groups that are designed to multiply we call it a “church with cells.” Cells are not clicks, they are open and accepting to all who have a desire for God, and who seek to multiply.
How do we structure small groups to be efficient?
The Bible has no explicit or uniform model, or formula, on how to structure small groups. Therefore, it is up to us and the Holy Spirit to develop a workable model that is both practical and Biblical. Models can change, but Biblical principles never change.
There are many church models in the world today. No single church can possibly reach everyone. It takes all kinds of churches to reach all kinds of people. That is why we are accepting of all alternate methods that produce healthy Disciples for Christ.
One model that is making a big impact is called the “Groups of Twelve Cell Church Model” (The G-12 model). The foundation of this model is Jesus and His twelve disciples. Just as Jesus chose 12 disciples, so the small-group leader seeks to find and train 12 disciples. The G-12 model has brought new life to the Universal Church. We embrace aspects of the G-12 Model and try to limit our groups to around 12, or multiply.
What drives us? Every group of believers or church has its set of interests. What matters most to us?
- TRADITON: We're not driven by tradition with all its rules, regulations, and un-neccessary red tape.
- PERSONALITY: We're not driven by personality, where all that counts is what one leader wants.
- FINANCES: We're not driven by finances either. Sometimes we don’t ask, “how much will it cost?” We do not pass an offering plate, but we welcome donations.
- PROGRAMS: We're not driven by programs. We don’t spend our energy looking for people to fill positions, to sit on committees, or to maintain programs.
- BUILDINGS: We're not driven by buildings. The budget for ministries is more important than the budget for buildings.
- EVENTS: We're not driven by events. We focus more on growth than on keeping people busy with events. Attendance is not the mark of maturity, productivity and spiritual growth is. We do support city wide events, but we believe true spiritual growth happens in the local church, when believers engage in discipleship relationships.
1) to build moral
2) to reduce frustration
3) to allow concentration
4) to attract cooperation
5) to promote evaluation.
We are a semi-seeker sensitive group, but not a seeker driven group. We are sensitive to the needs and hurts of unbelievers, but we don’t always ask, “what do the unbelievers think or want?” We realize that evangelism is one of several main purposes God has for the Church, not the sole purpose.
In churches with cells the life of the church is mainly in the small groups that meet in homes, offices, or any place away from the church building. Our aim is to be a dynamic growing cell like one of these. The cells are not just another program, the cell network is the foundation of the church. The cells are everything, and no program can compete with the cells. Everything is done through the cells. The church becomes a collection of cells that celebrate together on a Sunday. Everybody is connected to a cell and a cell-shepherd/host. People don’t join the church, they join a small group where they can fit in and get prayed over regularly. On weekends this network of small groups come together for a time of corporate celebration and teaching.
1) They learn they are members of one another (Rom. 12:5).
2) They learn to be devoted to one another (Rom. 12:10).
3) They learn to honor one another (Rom. 12:10).
4) They learn to be of the same mind with one another (Rom. 15:5).
5) They learn to accept one another (Rom. 15:7).
6) They learn to admonish one another (Rom. 15:14).
7) They learn to greet one another (Rom. 16:3-6).
8) They learn to serve one another (Gal. 5:13).
9) They learn to bear one another’s burdens (Gal. 6:2).
10) They learn to bear with one another (Eph. 4:2).
11) They learn to submit to one another (Eph. 5:21).
12) They learn to encourage one another (1 Thes. 5:11).
Small groups function like a large “fishing-net” that spans a city to catch the harvest of new believers. It is by far the single most effective way to prevent new converts from leaving through the “backdoor” of a church, as in backsliding. In the cell-church everybody shares the load. Every new convert receives a follow-up call within 72 hrs and a personal visit within a week. A new convert also receives an invitation from a local cell-leader to join a cell in his or her neighborhood. After a month in a cell, the new believer is encouraged to enroll for training.
1. Expositional Preaching - Expositional preaching (otherwise known as expository preaching) is the investigation of a particular passage of Scripture whereby the pastor carefully explains the meaning of a passage and then applies it to the members of the congregation. The point of a sermon, then, takes the point of a particular passage. This is in opposition to the topical preaching showcased in the majority of evangelical churches, where Bible passages are woven together to support a pre-existing point.
2. Biblical Theology - This emphasizes not only how we are taught but also what we are taught. In a sense this should follow naturally from expository preaching because the careful exposition of a passage should lead to sound theology. The majority of poor theology arises from a lack of careful Biblical exposition. Where there is poor exposition, we should expect to eventually find poor theology.
3. Biblical Understanding of the Good News - There needs to be a proper understanding and necessary emphasis on the full gospel. Where many contemporary churches teach that Jesus wants to meet our felt needs and give us a healthier self-image, that is not the gospel. The gospel message is that we are sinners who have rebelled against our Creator. But Jesus took the curse that was rightfully ours and all that remains is for us to have faith in Him so God may credit Christ's righteousness to our account. When we de-emphasize sin and damnation to make the presentation more friendly and less offensive we cease declaring the full gospel.
4. Biblical Understanding of Conversion - When we have a Biblical understanding of the gospel, we must then also have a proper understanding of conversion. Conversion is a new birth from death to life and is a work of God. It is not merely a change of attitude or a change of affection, but a change of nature. Conversion does not need to be an exciting, emotional experience, but does need to produce fruit to be judged a true conversion.
5. Biblical Understanding of Evangelism - The way we evangelize speaks volumes about how we understand conversion (and further, what we understand about the good news). If we believe that people are essentially good and are seeking Jesus, we evangelize using half truths and tend to elicit false conversions. When we present a watered-down gospel, we end up with a watered-down church. We need to be faithful to present the full gospel, the good news with the bad, and leave the results to God.
6. Biblical Understanding of Membership - Church membership is a privilege and a responsibility and needs to be regarded as such. People should only be members if they are dedicated to the church - in attendance, prayer, service and giving. To allow people to become and remain members for sentimental or other unbiblical reasons makes light of membership and may even be dangerous.
7. Biblical Church Discipline - Discipline guides church membership. The church has the responsibility to judge the life and teaching of the membership since they can negatively impact the church's witness of the gospel. Leadership need to be firm in discipline as this is an expression of love to the congregation.
8. Promotion of Church Discipleship And Growth - We need to recover true discipleship - discipleship that causes Christians to live lives of increasing holiness. The emphasis on growth needs to be directed at holiness rather than membership. True discipleship producing strong, committed Christians will present a clear witness to the world.
9. Biblical Understand of Leadership - Until recent times, almost all Protestants agreed that in church government there should be a plurality of elders (which means that there should be an office of elder and not merely one or more pastors in positions of leadership). This is a Biblical and practical model that has fallen out of favor in modern times.